About Me

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20-something American girl from Suburban Maryland/DC and transplanted to England in Spring 2011. After surviving a trans-atlantic relationship, I married my British better half in April 2011 and followed him across the pond! Wedding planning, immigration issues, and adventures in expatriatism! This blog has got it all. Please comment! :-D

24 June 2011


The saw the most AMAZING recipe today, I think I will try it over the weekend and report back!

It's Strawberry Season and British Strawberries are SO YUMMY!  We've devoured three cartons since I arrived here.  Thus, I feel this recipe is fitting for the summer season.

Courtesy of Nutmeg Nanny
Direct Link to this recipe:  Cheesecake Stuffed Strawberries

You will need:
  • A large carton of fresh strawberries
  • 8 oz pkg softened cream cheese
  • 1/2 cup powdered sugar
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 sleeve of graham crackers
If you're feeling extra sweet, why not melt some chocolate chips over the outside?  Go on, be bad!

  1. Use a small knife to hollow out each strawberry
  2. Beat the cream cheese, sugar, and vanilla extract until smooth
  3. Use a food processor or good 'ol hammer to crush the graham crackers
  4. Use a piping bag (or just a plastic baggie with a corner cut off) to transfer the cream cheese filling precisely into the strawberries.  The filling should peek over the top of the strawberry slightly
  5. Sprinkle with the graham cracker crumbs
  6. Chocoholic?  Melt those chocolate chips and drizzle over your final product.
And voila!

Can't wait to post pics of my own strawberry delciousness!

P.S. Today I was talking on the phone to my mom and I used the word "rubbish" in a sentence.  Where did that come from?  Oy vey.


  1. I say rubbish all the time now, but never in the context of rubbish. Glad to see you're well. I cannot wait to hear how these turn out.

  2. Nice! I still need more English time in order to say that!

  3. Ahhh! I remember the 1st time I caught myself using a British-ism :)
    I do love the use of rubbish and gutted.

    This recipe looks delish,
